05 фев 2019

Знаем и Гордимся! Тимур Магометович Энеев - Советский и Российский ученый!

Тетуев Хадис
Марина Джанибекова
Марина Джанибекова
Масштаб этого человека неизмерим! Его вклад в советскую и российскую космонавтику потрясает! Аллах ёмюрюн узакъ этсин!
Марина Джанибекова
Марина Джанибекова
Поделюсь информацией : В США проживает и работает карачаевец, физик-ядерщик PROF.DR. SULTAN CATTO.Sultan CattoSultan Catto is an American physicist. He is currently Professor of Physics and Executive Officer of the PhD program at the City University of New York, The Graduate Center.Prof. Sultan Catto has contributed to the development of elementary particle physics, especially in the area of dynamical supersymmetry, and in mathematics in the areas of spectral theory, automorphic forms, and "octonionic projective geometries" (see Octonions and Projective Geometry), areas with applications in quantum mechanics.BiographyCurrently he is the Chairman of the Physics PhD Program at CUNY Graduate School His current academic titles are:* Professor and Executive Officer, Ph.D. Program , Physics, CUNY Graduate Center* Professor, Baruch College, CUNY* Professor, Center for Theoretical Physics, Rockefeller University* Associate Research Scientist, Henry Krumb School of Mines, Columbia UniversityAwardsHe was awarded the “Benjamin W. Lee Prize” by the International School of Subnuclear Physics (Ettore Majorana) in Sicily, Italy, the award having been refereed by the three Nobel Laureates, T. D. Lee, Sheldon Glashow and E. P. Wigner, and granted for his work on quark-diquark supersymmetry.Research and work in progressStarting with a series of papers published between 1984 and the present, he and his collaborator (Feza Gürsey) exploited internal (dynamical) supersymmetries to construct a combined classification scheme for mesons and baryons. The theoretical models they developed led to the existence of multiquark bound states which were recently grounded in experiments (for example a0 (980) and f0 (975) are of this type). For further details, see Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry.More recently he is completing a book on "Algebraic Approaches to Particle Theory." The book will cover Relativistic Quark Models, Constraint Superalgebras, Supergroups in Critical dimensions and Lattices Generated by Discrete Jordan Algebras.Another book, on "Octonionic Structures in Physics," is nearing completion (with Carlos J. Moreno at Baruch College and the CUNY Graduate School).Recent Publications:* V.P. Akulov, Sultan Catto and A. Pashnev, N=2 SuperTime Dependent Oscillator and spontaneous Breaking of Supersymmetry * Sultan Catto, Exceptional Projective Geometries and Internal Symmetries * Sultan Catto, Effective Hadronic Lagrangians Based on QCD: Potential Models and Skyrmions * V.P. Akulov, Sultan Catto, Oktay Cebecioglu and A. Pashnev, On the Time Dependent Oscillator and the Nonlinear Realizations of the Virasoro Group; Physics Letters B, 575, 137 (2003) * Sultan Catto, Jonathan Huntley, Nam Jong Moh, and David Tepper, Weyl's Law with Error Estimate * Sultan Catto, Algebraic Realization of Quark-Diquark Supersymmetry * Sultan Catto, Symmetries and Mass Predictions of the Supersymmetric Quark Model * Sultan Catto, Jonathan Huntley, Jay Jorgenson and David Tepper, On an Analog of Selberg's Eigenvalue Conjecture for SL\_3 * Sultan Catto, Constraint Superalgebras and Their Application to Gauge Field Theories and String Theories * Sultan Catto, Chiral Symmetry and Vertex Symmetry in the Extended Moeller-Rosenfeld Model * Sultan Catto, Self-Dual Fields and Quaternion Analyticity *Book/Monogram (in two volumes):eds. Sultan Catto and Alvany Rocharoceedings of the XXth International Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics New York City, USASingapore; River Edge, N.J.: World Scienrific, 1992)CLC: 25813352SBN 9810208286; ISBN 9810209932
MADIEN Brend-MADIEN-knitting
MADIEN Brend-MADIEN-knitting
Познавательно ! Спасибо за инфу и тебе , Марина
Марина Джанибекова
Марина Джанибекова
НЕ стоит благодарности.
Марина Джанибекова
Марина Джанибекова
Аллах разы болсун!
Знаем и Гордимся! Тимур Магометович Энеев - Советский и Российский ученый!
Знаем и Гордимся! Тимур Магометович Энеев - Советский и Российский ученый!
Знаем и Гордимся! Тимур Магометович Энеев - Советский и Российский ученый!
Знаем и Гордимся! Тимур Магометович Энеев - Советский и Российский ученый!
Знаем и Гордимся! Тимур Магометович Энеев - Советский и Российский ученый!
Знаем и Гордимся! Тимур Магометович Энеев - Советский и Российский ученый!
Знаем и Гордимся! Тимур Магометович Энеев - Советский и Российский ученый!
Знаем и Гордимся! Тимур Магометович Энеев - Советский и Российский ученый!
Знаем и Гордимся! Тимур Магометович Энеев - Советский и Российский ученый!
Знаем и Гордимся! Тимур Магометович Энеев - Советский и Российский ученый!
Знаем и Гордимся! Тимур Магометович Энеев - Советский и Российский ученый!